The A arte Invernizzi gallery contemporarily opened three exhibitions on Tuesday 2 March 2021.

In the gallery’s lower floor presented the exhibition FIAC In The Gallery. Vibrant Trajectories with works by François Morellet, Mario Nigro, Nelio Sonego, Niele Toroni and Günter Umberg, proposed on the occasion of the FIAC Online Viewing Rooms digital art fair: “An invitation to investigate the dimensions of the real through an experience that extends the limits of the work within the surrounding space to the point of modifying the perceptive systems of who views the work, together with the space-time coordinates in which he or she acts, delineating a path which leads to the threshold of the visible with the aim of showing its evidence.” (Angela Faravelli)

The upper floor, on the other hand, housed the cycle of exhibitions entitled Becoming: Idea to Image in Contemporary Art which has the intention of investigating the relationship between the project and the work in a way that is both new and actual by showing the individual, historical and contextual specificity of the choices made by the individual artists and also illustrating the actuality which their creative paths represent today.

The first room housed the exhibition Rodolfo Aricò. Zeusi where is presented a work together with eleven studies on paper. “The sketches that accompany one of Aricò’s last works are arranged almost in a procession towards their completion. Zeusi cancels all of the previous works by Aricò while, at the same time, also recalling them: he negates the entire artistic past in the very act in which he takes responsibility for it, here taking his voracity to the extreme in his confrontation with the history of art.” (Davide Mogetta)

In the second room presented the exhibition Michel Verjux. Éclairage with the light installation Au plafond, calage en angle (source au sol) and the related paper project. The éclairages that Michel Verjux have created since the early 1980s are projections of light beams in a continuous and changing dialogue with the concrete situations that arise in each of his works. “With the work Au plafond, calage en angle (source au sol) our upright position as human beings is directly involved. This “vertical” work is not an “endless column” but only a cone of light projected into the corner within an architectural space. A sort of proof of the happening, of the act and of the sign of exhibiting.” (Michel Verjux)